• July 27, 2024

Start-cup Academy Project platform is now available

The Start-cup Academy official website represents a repository of the project’s outputs, results, news and contacts, and will be the OER platform for target groups to access all the resources and …

JUST successfully completes test & validation sessions for the project’s training resources

The Erasmus+ co-funded JUST project celebrates the successful completion of test and validation (T&V) sessions conducted by project partners to evaluate the effectiveness of the newly JUST multilingual training programme. This …

The BOOMER consortium held its third face-to-face meeting in Malaga

On 31 May 2024, the consortium in charge of implementing the project BOOMER – Booming digital literacy skills among elderly population, held its third transnational meeting in Malaga, Spain. Hosted by …

JUST Project releases the Green Paper: a wealth of knowledge for strengthening collaboration between SMEs and HEIs

The JUST project presents the release of its Green Paper, a comprehensive document that consolidates lessons learned and insights acquired during project implementation. The Green Paper serves as a repository of …

JUST project produced essential resources for university-SME collaboration

The Erasmus+ co-funded JUST project is excited to announce the release of the final deliverables of Project Result 2, offering a suite of practical resources designed to facilitate the creation and …

Enhancing digital entrepreneurship of microenterprises in rural areas in a postpandemic world

The MICRO2 official website represents a repository of the project’s outputs, results, news and contacts, and will be the OER platform for target groups to access MICRO2 resources and training materials. …

CARE project 3rd meeting in Lecce, Italy

The third CARE Project Meeting was successfully held at the headquarters of the CPIA in Lecce. CARE, which stands for “Consumption Awareness for Responsibility towards the Environment” is an Erasmus+ project …

Los socios de DEW han lanzado el testeo y la validación de la formación y se han unido a la 4º reunión transnacional del proyecto

El 23 de mayo, el Consorcio participó en la 4ª Reunión Transnacional del Proyecto DEW, celebrada en Pescara (IT) y organizada por el socio italiano IDP European Consultants. La reunión brindó …

22 international participants gathered in Málaga for the Bucolico Multiplier Event in May 2023

Malaga, Spain – May 9th, 2023 – A groundbreaking Multiplier Event brought together 22 enthusiastic participants in Malaga, Spain, to explore the potential of the Bucolico project and the Bucolico digital …

GENIE Multiplier Event presented in Málaga: A workshop on useful resources for enhancing intrapreneurship

Within the framework of the GENIE project (Gamification & Education to Nurture Intrapreneurship at Enterprise), co-funded by the Erasmus+ Commission, Internet Web Solutions, together with its associated partner Arrabal-Aid, hosted the …

WIDE Training development is complete and 4 training modules are now available online in on the WIDE OER Platform

The training development as a part of project result 3 (PR3) has been completed in 6 lenguages and ONLINE & FREE Courses  are open on the project website. As a basis for …

Internet Web Solutions participó en Bruselas en la reunión inaugural de MICRO 2

Internet Web Solutions participó en la reunión de lanzamiento de MICRO 2 – Potenciar el espíritu empresarial digital de las microempresas en las zonas rurales en un mundo pospandémico, un nuevo …

S.O.S Creativity – Seniors Online Security for Creativity ¡Ya están disponibles las “Directrices para las formaciones futuras”!

La guía de S.O.S Creativity representa un manual para el uso de los productos del Proyecto S.O.S Creativity, referido tanto a aspectos prácticos y organizativos como a cuestiones de contenido y …

El Proyecto S.O.S Creativity sobre gamificación e inclusión social presenta ‘el ahorcado’ juego de adivinar palabras

Dentro del proyecto SOS CREATIVITY, el ahorcado cuenta con una mecánica de estilo de juego personalizada para incentivar la participación de las personas mayores que incentiva tanto el aprendizaje de palabras …

Habilidades digitales para una Europa que envejece: Recomendaciones basadas en la experiencia para la elaboración de políticas

Como iniciativa internacional cofinanciada por el Programa Erasmus+ de la Comisión Europea, el proyecto DISK tiene como objetivo fomentar las competencias digitales de las personas mayores como palanca para la inclusión …
