• July 27, 2024

Start-cup Academy Project platform is now available

The Start-cup Academy official website represents a repository of the project’s outputs, results, news and contacts, and will be the OER platform for target groups to access all the resources and …

JUST successfully completes test & validation sessions for the project’s training resources

The Erasmus+ co-funded JUST project celebrates the successful completion of test and validation (T&V) sessions conducted by project partners to evaluate the effectiveness of the newly JUST multilingual training programme. This …

The BOOMER consortium held its third face-to-face meeting in Malaga

On 31 May 2024, the consortium in charge of implementing the project BOOMER – Booming digital literacy skills among elderly population, held its third transnational meeting in Malaga, Spain. Hosted by …

JUST Project releases the Green Paper: a wealth of knowledge for strengthening collaboration between SMEs and HEIs

The JUST project presents the release of its Green Paper, a comprehensive document that consolidates lessons learned and insights acquired during project implementation. The Green Paper serves as a repository of …

JUST project produced essential resources for university-SME collaboration

The Erasmus+ co-funded JUST project is excited to announce the release of the final deliverables of Project Result 2, offering a suite of practical resources designed to facilitate the creation and …

Development of OPSIZO Toolkit in 5 languages

Through the Erasmus+ OPSIZO project, partners developed a Toolkit aimed at assessing the current situation in terms of Diversity and Inclusion within micro-enterprises. The Toolkit aims to provide tools that support …

Launch of the SELF OER Platform!

The Self OER platform, created by Internet Web Solutions, the project’s technology partner, is now open and available in all languages and it will host the main results of the project. …

OPSIZO Diversity & Inclusion in Microenterprise Launch of the Open Education Resource Platform

OPSIZO Project launched the online Open Education Resource Platform, that represents a repository of the project’s outputs, results, news and contacts, and will be the OER platform for target groups to …

El consorcio del proyecto AMTECH Erasmus+ vuela a Málaga para celebrar la última reunión transnacional

El grupo de trabajo del proyecto Erasmus+ AMTECH (Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Technician) de Alemania, Italia, Bélgica, España, Letonia y Polonia se reunió en las instalaciones  de Internet Web Solutions, en Málaga, …


La Universidad de Málaga (UMA) se suma a los actos organizados el primer lunes de octubre en todo el territorio español, con motivo del “Día de la Educación Financiera”, representada por …

Fair Food en Tesis, Canal Sur Andalucía TV

“FairFood for a Smart Life” proyecto cofinanciado por el Programa Erasmus + de la Comisión Europea y coordinado por la Universidad de Málaga ha sido objeto de un amplio reportaje en …

7ª Reunión Transnacional de SEAH en marzo de 2022

El 25 de marzo de 2022, los socios del proyecto SEAH de la Università degli Studi ‘G. d’Annunzio’ Chieti, la Université Bordeaux Montaigne, la Masaryk University, la Polotsk State University y …

El 16 de noviembre de 2021 los participantes de SEAH se reunieron online para una reunión del proyecto

El 16 de noviembre de 2021 el proyecto SEAH, cofinanciado por el Programa Erasmus+ (Acción KA203) escrito y gestionado por el Departamento de Lenguas Modernas, Literaturas y Culturas con 5 socios …

Entrepreneurial Capacity-building for Sport: the ENDURANCE website is available online

Entrepreneurial Capacity-building for Sport: the ENDURANCE website is available online The ENDURANCE Website is now online at http://enduranceproject.eu providing specific info on project aims, activities and results. The platform will contain …

Mejorar las Soft Skills para fomentar la competitividad y la empleabilidad: Internet Web Solutions se unió a la segunda Reunión Transnacional del Proyecto ESSENCE.

El 24 de junio del 2021, Internet Web Solutions participó en la segunda Reunión Transnacional de ESSENCE, un Proyecto cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus Plus de la Comisión Europea, que reúne …
