• February 10, 2025

IMPACT ACADEMY Hosts Successful Transnational Project Meeting in Brussels

The partners of IMPACT ACADEMY, an Erasmus+ co-funded project in Higher Education, gathered for a face-to-face transnational project meeting on November 29, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting opened with remarks …

IMPACT ACADEMY Achieves Milestone in Work Package 2 with the “Impact Skills Framework”

The partners of IMPACT ACADEMY, a project in the field of Higher Education co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, are proud to announce the successful completion of Work …

Official launch of the Erasmus+ project “DIGIMUSE ENTER: digital tools for the inclusive accessibility to cultural heritage”

The DIGIMUSE ENTER project, co-financed by the European Commission under Erasmus+, has officially launched, marking a major step forward in the digital transformation of small museums across Europe. A two-day Kick-Off …

The UNITY EUROPE project reaches the successful conclusion of Work Package 2

The UNITY EUROPE project, co-financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation Partnership framework, is pleased to announce the publication of the final deliverables of the Work Package 2 (WP2). …

Unity Europe Project Partners Meet in Málaga to Discuss Key Milestones and Future Work

Málaga, Spain – 14 October 2024: The Unity Europe project, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at fostering European cooperation and social cohesion, held a face-to-face meeting with all its project partners on …

IMPACT ACADEMY Hosts Successful Transnational Project Meeting in Brussels

The partners of IMPACT ACADEMY, an Erasmus+ co-funded project in Higher Education, gathered for a face-to-face transnational project meeting on November 29, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting opened with remarks …

IMPACT ACADEMY Achieves Milestone in Work Package 2 with the “Impact Skills Framework”

The partners of IMPACT ACADEMY, a project in the field of Higher Education co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, are proud to announce the successful completion of Work …

Collection of 30 good ecological practices

The last 2 months have been a period when all EURECA Project partners have been preparingdescriptions of good practices of environmental activities in the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland,Portugal and Spain. Examples …

The consortium joined the Closing Meeting of the WIDE project

On 15th November2023, the consortium joined the 4th and last Transnational Project Meeting of the WIDE project, which was held virtually. WIDE – Women Integration through Digital Entrepreneurship – is a …

WIDE – Test & Validation concluded and Guidelines for users available online

The WIDE Consortium has successfully piloted the four training modules and related resources developed during the first year of project’s implementation, to exhort and support women living in rural areas to …

The transnational meeting in Helsinki and the development of the Vademecum for Slow Navigation

Partner organisations met in Helsinki to update each other on the progress of the project and prepare to launch the new Vademecum for Slow Navigation! On 23 October, the third transnational …

El consorcio del proyecto AMTECH Erasmus+ vuela a Málaga para celebrar la última reunión transnacional

El grupo de trabajo del proyecto Erasmus+ AMTECH (Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Technician) de Alemania, Italia, Bélgica, España, Letonia y Polonia se reunió en las instalaciones  de Internet Web Solutions, en Málaga, …

¡Participa en el cuestionario sobre consumo responsable del proyecto CARE!

El consorcio CARE sigue trabajando en el desarrollo del proyecto Erasmus+ sobre Consumo Responsable Consumer Awareness for Responsibility towards Environment, en el desarrollo del proyecto ha desarrollado una breve encuesta sobre …

Los socios de DEW han lanzado el testeo y la validación de la formación y se han unido a la 4º reunión transnacional del proyecto

El 23 de mayo, el Consorcio participó en la 4ª Reunión Transnacional del Proyecto DEW, celebrada en Pescara (IT) y organizada por el socio italiano IDP European Consultants. La reunión brindó …

Museo digital virtual Bucólico con casos de estudio y buenas prácticas

El proyecto BU.CO.LI.CO BU (ilding) CO (mmunity resi) LI (ence through) CO (mmunication and technology) ha anunciado el lanzamiento de un nuevo museo virtual digital que ofrece una experiencia artística única …
