A new Multidimensional and Multifunctional Matrix is now made available for free, aimed at both the educational and organizational level at Vocational Educational Training institutions in the EU. The matrix will measure the digital readiness on an organizational level as well as on an educational level.
The versatile matrix is provided by the Erasmus+ project, RESET. The conceptual design and algorithms of the Matrix were done by Danish partner, NLP Aalborg/ Center for Unges Livsmestring with Spanish partner Internet Web Solutions (IWS) delivering the digital software development.
Improve Digitally within Minutes
The Matrix will serve the operators of the VET ecosystem to take a snapshot of their capacity to delivery distance learning activities, anticipate digital needs, identify areas of intervention, develop strategies and initiate/ pursue a process of digital transformation of the organisation.
The Matrix is also aimed at educational staff at the VETs. The matrix gives them a fast method to get an overview of the digital readiness that needs to be considered to further develop and use the digital opportunities in an educational perspective with different target groups of students.
“When conceptualizing the Multidimensional and Multifunctional Matrix, it’s been vital that it had a plug ‘n’ play approach with easy access for both educators and organisations in general. With no further ado you can click and select your way through the matrix and the matrix will provide you with a final assessment of where you stand digitally as organization or educator – within minutes,” says project manager, Mogens Rude, NLP Aalborg/ Center for Unges Livsmestring.
Matrix Automatically Suggests New Content
The Matrix will automatically come up with a final assessment based on the user-input, and the matrix will suggest different content to help the user accelerate and better the digital setup and/ or digital, educational skills and competencies; all based on the analysis, training and tools developed by the partners in the RESET Erasmus+ project.
The Matrix also integrates the European Commission’s Digital Compentence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu). The RESET results are fed into the matrix, cross-referencing them with the variables that condition the training interventions delivered in online mode by the DigCompEdu. Check out the Multidimensional and Multifunctional Matrix for free at: www.project-reset.eu