On October 8th 2020, IHF asbl joined the Kick-Off Meeting of VESTA, a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together 6 Partners from 5 countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Spain). The KOM, originally planned in Pordenone, Italy, was held in online mode due to COVID-19 restrictions.
More than 14 million family enterprises in Europe provide for 50% GDP and 60 million jobs. In times of crisis, family enterprises play a crucial socio-economic role as an employment buffer and pivot of growth. Despite their role, at present there are no programmes and initiatives tailored to the specific needs of family enterprises whose competitiveness is undermined by specific challenges. Shortcomings in regulation, definitions, support system and training limit family enterprises potential, exacerbated by fragmentation among Member States.
VESTA has the objective of supporting the growth and sustaining the competitiveness of family enterprises so that they can strive and continue to play that crucial role of social buffer and economic engine of growth, by developing innovative operational tool and training resources. Within such context, VESTA is devoted to family enterprises, especially those of micro-small size, formal and non-formal VET service providers and representatives of user groups, FB facilitators and members of support associations, media, and to all those who are interested in family business management.