• July 27, 2024

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The RESTART project, co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme, aims to enhance entrepreneurship education and training in the VET (vocational education and training) ecosystem. It involves a consortium of seven partners from 6 countries (Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Belgium and Spain). The project focuses on addressing the issues arising from digitalization and climate change. The objectives of the project include upgrading the entrepreneurship support system, supporting post-pandemic recovery for SMEs, improving skills for up-to-date market needs, and facilitating knowledge transfer of SMEs.

The RESTART project delivered 4 major project results during 2 years:

  • RESTART OER Platform – access on this link
    • An online Open Education Platform with innovative digital learning tools
  • RESTART Innovative Entrepreneurship Model
    • Through country reports and the consolidated findings the partners identified  the skills, competencies, and occupational profiles most needed in MSMEs in the post-pandemic economy
  • RESTART Training & Tools – access on this link
    • 7 modules that are available in English, Slovak, Croatian, Italian, Spanish and Hungarian
  • RESTART Position Paper & Mainstreaming Guidelines
    • It summarises the policy environment for post-COVID MSMEs, draws on existing policy measures, and provides recommendations for ensuring MSME’s resilience and capacity to build and grow in times of permanent challenges. Second, it also synthesises the lessons learnt from the partners’ experiences in developing and testing the training materials of the project.

The project partners – Slovak Business Agency from Slovakia, STEP RI from Croatia, Italian Development Partners from Italy, Comenius University from Slovakia, Internet Web Solutions SL from Spain, Institut de Haute formation aux Politiques Communautaires from Belgium and HÉTFA Research Institute from Hungary – had been working together for 2 years to create the project results and provide tangible solutions for MSMEs in the post-COVID era.

The training modules reached 203 participants from various target groups: MSME owners and employees, VET providers and students, and business support organisations. Through the multiplier events, the message of the project was delivered to a large audience therefore the project was widely disseminated across Europe.


If you have any questions, and you are interested in getting involved, cooperating or you have any comments, do not hesitate to contact us at email address: restarteuproject2021@gmail.com.

Follow all activities and news of the RESTART project on the webpage: www.restartproject.eu and the project Facebook page.

This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission support for preparing and publishing this press release does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

