- February 10, 2025
The work package 1 (WP1) and its abstract, the first phase of XENIA Erasmus+ project are now fully available online. XENIA is an ambitious 36-month-lasting Erasmus + project that is currently been implemented by a consortium made up of 7 partners from 5 European countries (Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Ireland, Greece).
The aim and objectives of this project are to develop and implement an inclusiveness index to support inclusion, equality and diversity in European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Specifically, an algorithm matrix based will measure the level of social and educational inclusiveness of sexual minority and gender marginalised students and staff within the HEIs context. The project will also share practices and tools for promoting and improving equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
All the intellectual outputs will be available in 5 languages, namely English, Spanish, Italian, Greek and Slovenian.
The primary aim of WP1 has been the development of a Common Research Methodology which has guided the work and contributions of all XENIA partners for this Work Package. The key activities underpinning this common research methodology were: the identification and classification of HEIs into 5 relevant and appropriate thematic areas; the development of 64 indicators that signify inclusion of gender diverse and LGBTQ+ students and staff, categorised into subsections under one of the thematic areas and the development of tools and resources for promoting inclusion across HEIs.
This report describes in detail each step in the development of WP1 by the consortium from January to July 2020.
All materials are completely free and accessible from this link: