• February 15, 2025
Unesco map

After forced closing due to Covid-19 a number of World Heritage sites around the globe have now reopened and tours will be starting up again.

Many of them are offering new or different ways to experience them. By visiting tourists help to support the protection and conservation of these treasures of humanity.


From the Aranjuez located 1 hour from Madrid in Spain to the Colosseum in Italy, from the Ancient Olympia in Greece to the Mont Saint-Michel in France people come back to a new normality in the best way possibile: appreciating Europe’s history.


The map displaying the 167 States Parties with World Heritage properties show that 84 (= 50%) countries have closed sites totally, whereas 32 (= 19%) countries kept their sites open. For 51 countries (31%) partial closure has been indicated, which includes countries that are re-opening World Heritage places slowly the crisis after.

Source of the map: https://en.unesco.org

