- February 10, 2025
Building Community Resilience through Communication and Technology: IWS joined the online Kick-Off Meeting of BUCOLICO
On November 11th 2020, Internet Web Solutions joined the online Kick-Off Meeting of BUCOLICO, a 36-month Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together five Partners from different countries (Italy, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Greece). The KOM, originally planned in Sicily (Italy), was held in online mode due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The Project wishes to propose learning standard contributing to the empowerment of NEETs in rural contexts. In fact, BUCOLICO’s 5-country strong Partnership of experts will devise 6 Intellectual Outputs to engineer a learning standard tailored to facilitate labour participation and market access among socially excluded individuals/groups in geographical marginal rural areas.
The specific target and the concrete aims and objectives have their roots in cultural, economic, governmental issues that characterizes rural areas context. Young adults experience prolonged permanence within their original family core, lack support bridging the education-work transition. As regards education, figures states that highly developed human capital finds less opportunities in the Mediterranean, with 77.3% active 30-34 year old graduates (EU average 87.1%).
BUCOLICO ought to bolster NEETs’ reintegration to widen participation to sustainable levels and rescue them from social exclusion through Communication and Technology and in particular with the development of a target-oriented mobile business GAMING APP. The intellectual outputs of the project are six in total and includes the implementing of user-centred workshops in the project’s countries and the creation of final Handbook.
During the meeting, the consortium discussed about the overall project implementation schedule, defining timelines and respective duties in the following months. In particular, the partnership will upload the OER platform by the end of 2020: the BUCOLICO official platform will represent a repository of project’s outputs, results, news and contacts.
IWS will be the IT partner involved in the project, responsible for the developing BUCOLICO OER platform, that will be available 24-7 for all the duration of the project and beyond. The platform will host all the deliverables and the intellectual outputs produced in the 5 official languages. Moreover, IWS with its expertise in the field of digital skills and competences will follow and implement each steps of the project.